How do I create a Board Vitals account?
All Banner residents, affiliates, and employees have free access to this tool
There are two ways to create the account.
Option 1) Use a Banner Health computer to sign up. Board Vitals uses an IP range to verify you are a valid user. Only Banner Health computers are within the IP range. This does not include a personal laptop using Banner Health Guest WiFi.
Option 2) Use your Banner Health email to sign up. If you use your Banner Health email you can use any computer or device to sign up. Board Vitals assumes that if you have a Banner Health email address then you are a valid user.
Possible issue: While some of the department specific email extensions like (not are included in our valid user list for Board Vitals, it is possible that your department has not been added.
If you have forgotten the account or password for your email address please call the Banner Health IT Service Desk. 602-747-4444.
If you have tried option 1 and 2 listed above, please call 602-839-4353 or Chat with Library Services during normal business hours.
The company's support number is 1.877.221.1529 9-8 EST You may need to leave a message with the answering service. You can also email Board Vitals at
NOTE: If you are a UA facility member and you are interested in creating a class module within Board Vitals for your students, please contact the library.
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