How to set up an electronic table of contents (eTOCs) alert.

Includes instructions for Harvard Business Review and Health Affairs


There is more than one way to create a eTOC

There are 4 ways that we suggest, none of them have access to all the journals. You may need to mix and match tools to get the alerts you want. 

Amy's Preferred Method : Ovid eTocs

1o. Locate Ovid Medline on the library homepage. No need to choose a resource. Click on My Workspace.

2o. Click My eTocs. Ignore the login message.

3o. Add your email address

4o. Find the journal. Be sure to check for any abbreviations of the journal name.

5o. Add HTML once you have found the journal you want. Of course, OVID may not have the journal you require. 


1b. Use the Browse for journals under the Journals tab. This will take you to the Banner Health Browzine site.

Screen shot locating the direct link to the Browzine website

2b.Use Browzine to get an electronic version of the Table of Contents of your favorite journals.  It allows you to save articles to read later, share articles with colleagues or request articles from Banner Library Services if the full article does not immediately download.

Screen shot of Browzine bookshelf displaying health business titles

3b. See the Journal Reading Apps webpage for additional information


1e.Type the exact name of the journal in search box on the Journals tab, click SEARCH.

2e. Click the link below Full Text Access

3e. Click Share and then E-mail Alert


4e. At the bottom of the pop-out screen, choose Advanced Settings

5e. Adjust the fields to match what I have here and Save. The Ebsco Alert will include a link out to the Table of Content. It will not include the list of articles within email. Sorry 

Popular Journals

Lancet and NEJM alerts should be set up on their homepage.

Harvard Business Review, use the Ebsco instructions

OBGYN, use the Ovid instructions



  • Last Updated Sep 16, 2024
  • Views 606
  • Answered By Amy Nadell

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