How do I get after-hours access to the BDMC or BUMCP Library if my badge doesn't work?


Get after-hours access to the BDMC or BUMCP Library

NOTE:  You need to have a landscape proximity enabled badge to gain entrance. 

  1. Open Banner INTRANET ( Employee website referred to as Banner Connect )
  2. Find Systemwide Links ( right column )
  3. Choose  Badge and Security Service Ticket Request near top.
  4. Choose Badge or Security Access Change - blue button
  5. Answer all the questions ( see tips below with the questions and answers.


Requester Information AND Badge Recipient are both you.

Employee: Use magnifying glass to right of input box. Enter Employee Number top right and then click Search. If your name shows up, double click on your Employee Number in red on the left side to pop your information into the Employee box.

OR type Last Name, First Name and double click on your name after it comes up just below.

Primary Location: Enter 5300 and double click on the BUMCP option that shows up.

Badge Request Type: Access Level - Change/Add

Is this request for access to an IT area: No

Approving Leader of Requested Area: Nugent, Bryan

Reason for Request: after-hours access

Access Level Description:  Door #  LL00380_

You can make note of your request # once you click Save Changes.  The request will have to be approved by library director, Bryan Nugent, before security can complete the request. Turn around times may vary.

  • Last Updated Jun 16, 2023
  • Views 279
  • Answered By Janene Wandersee

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