How do I access Lippincott Learning for required learning, continuing education, or certification review?

Access this resource through Banner Connect->MyHR|WorkDay->Learning


What type of learner are you?

A. Are you required to complete continuing education?

B. Are you required to complete remediation?

C. Are you interested in continuing self-education?

You answered YES to question A, B or C. Follow these steps for the Initial Set-up

Lippincott Learning (Initial set-up for everyone):

  1. Log into the MyHR|Workday or use the link in Banner Connect
  2. Search for and complete the Lippincott Learning: Lippincott Registration MyHR|Workday module OR Complete the Lippincott Learning module that is assigned to the learner.
  3. Once the learner completes the module and passes the test, they must click on the Get CE Certificate link.
  4. The learner will be presented with a registration screen which they must complete to properly record their activities.
    1. The learner creates their own username and password or Username will default to Learner.Workday.####
    2. MUST change username to Banner email address and whichever password they choose for the other Lippincott platforms
    3. MUST update First Name and Last Name fields because this what will display in the CE Certificate & Workday Transcript
  5. Once the registration is completed the learner will be able to download the CE Certificate, if needed, and will be able to log into the Lippincott Learning platform using their newly created Username and password

You answered YES to question A. Any Lippincott Learning, Lippincott Procedure, Lippincott Advisor or Lippincott Blended Learning module that is part of the required learning on the Competency tools must be completed through MyHR|Workday->Learning->Lippincott Learning in order to receive credit for completing them.

You answered YES to question B. Lippincott Learning, Lippincott Procedure, Lippincott Advisor or Lippincott Blended Learning modules that are part of the remediation column on the Competency tools have not been uploaded into MyHR|Workday and need to be completed from the Lippincott Learning, Procedure, Advisor or Blended learning platform. (Remediation modules will be added to WorkDay by Q1 2024)

You answered YES to question C. If you want credit to show in Workday and Lippincott, search for the module within Workday. However, if the module you would like is not linked within Workday, you can go directly to Lippincott Learning to find the modules and complete them for credit. The credit will show in Lippincott but will not show in Workday. See where to locate the certification modules in the links below.

*See the Lippincott Module Tip Sheet


  • Last Updated Aug 06, 2024
  • Views 1044
  • Answered By Amy Nadell

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