How To Use NatMed Pro (previously called Natural Medicines)


All About

What You Can Expect To Find Here: "Natural Medicines relies on a solid evidence-based foundation. Each product monograph in the Database and its associated Safety Ratings, Effectiveness Ratings, and Interaction Ratings are supported by the best available scientific evidence. This evidence is systematically identified, critically evaluated, and applied using the same high standards used to evaluate evidence related to other therapies. We do not believe that there should be different standards of evidence for conventional therapies compared to alternative therapies. Therefore, we do not consider anecdote, tradition or folklore to be scientific 'evidence.'" 

Natural Medicines provides information about: 

  • Food, herbs, and supplements
  • Health & Wellness
  • Sports Medicine
  • Comparative Effectiveness
  • Manufacturers
  • Commercial Products
  • Fixed herbal combinations 

Accessing this resource

  • On-site: visit the Banner Health Library Services website and select "Natural Medicines" from right hand-sidebar quick links or by following this link path: "Resources">Databases>N>Natural Medicines
  • Off-site:
    • With email: Start on the library website and click on anything. You will be asked to login once with your Banner Health email, password, and Microsoft Authenticator App.
    • Without email: Start at OpenAthens Portal. Login with your library issued Open Athens account and use links provided on the list of resources. 
  • Mobile: If you are accessing this resource via a mobile device, we highly recommend that you start at the library website ( and follow the same link path as described above: "Resources">Databases>N>Natural Medicines. Once you do so, you will be prompted to enter your Banner Health credentials and authenticate using the Microsoft Authenticator app.

How to search













  1. Type simple keyword or keyword combination. Keep it simple!
  2. Select "Databases" to select individual databases (note: keyword search returns results from all databases)
  3. See the "Interaction Checker" for information about supplement interactions!















  1. You are viewing the "Professional Monograph", the main record for your keyword entry of "Quercetin"
  2. Navigate summary using left sidebar to view overview, warning, adverse effects, effectiveness, interactions, and more!
  3. Patient Handouts are available in English, Spanish, and French
  4. Select "Advanced Search" to select specific databases or further customize search parameters
  5. CE/CME Center

Special Features

  • Advanced Search available to de-select content found in specific databases, refine, or target your search
  • Create an Individual Account to access CE/CME content and more!
  • Once you have created an Individual Account, click on My Account to get answers in forums, personalize notifications, receive Natural Medicines newsletter, and more!
  • On the default search screen, see the Interaction Checker to check for interactions with supplements. 


Chat with library staff if you are having problems accessing this resource.

Questions to facilitate troubleshooting independently or while requesting assistance:

  1. What type of device are you using a) A Banner issued laptop? b) A Banner desktop computer? c) A personal computer? d) A phone or tablet?
  2. Are you located at a Banner facility? If yes, at which facility are you located?
  3. Can you check your IP address? You can google "what is my IP address" if you are unsure, Google "what is my IP address?"





  • Last Updated Mar 20, 2024
  • Views 361
  • Answered By Erin Moore

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