How To Use OneSearch


All About

OneSearch (OVID Discovery) facilitates greater visibility and discoverability of the biomedical literature and is described on the publisher site as "A single-search portal to more than 100 million biomedical, health, and pharmaceutical resources" and "streamlined access to a time-saving one-stop shop of all available bibliographic records, full text, books, journals, and multimedia from publishers, information providers, and aggregators—not just those to which your institutions subscribes." Library users and health sciences personnel across multiple specialities and disciplines will benefit from adding OneSearch to their search toolbox!

Accessing this resource

  • On-site: visit the Banner Health Library Services website and see the "Google-esque" default search box on the library website. See the OneSearch tab? You're in the right place!
  • Off-site:
    • With email: Start on the library website and type a simple keyword combination into the default search box (OneSearch). You will be asked to login once with your Banner Health email, password, and Microsoft Authenticator App.
    • Without email: Start at OpenAthens Portal. Login with your library issued OpenAthens account and use links provided on the A-Z list of resources. Don't have an OpenAthens account? : Use this form to request an account. It may also be helpful to view this OpenAthens video for detailed information on each of the resources.
  • Mobile: If you are accessing this resource via a mobile device, we highly recommend that you start at the library website ( and type your simple keyword search into the default search box (OneSearch).  Once you do so, you will be prompted to enter your Banner Health credentials and authenticate using the Microsoft Authenticator app. **If you do not have a Banner-issued email address, follow the instructions above for off-site access without a email address. 

How to search














  1. OneSearch is the default search screen
  2. Type in basic keyword search terms



  1. Create and manage "My Profile" to view saved searches, CE credit, and more!
  2. Click on the star icon to save your searches and/or select "Advanced Search" to select additional search fields
  3. After conducting initial search, select "Get CME Credit For Your Research" to get credit
  4. Filter results by subject, date, language, etc. See "Filters" dropdown to focus results by "Banner Health Institutes"

Special Features

  • Create a personal account to save searches, generate an RSS feed to track topics of interest,  and earn 0.5 CME credits for conducting a search - i.e. run a search and click on "Get CME Credit for your Research"
  • Advanced Search feature allows for additional customization of searches (i.e. include Grey Literature and more)
  • Filters: you can even filter by "Banner Institutions" 


Chat with library staff if you are having problems accessing this resource.

  • Questions to facilitate troubleshooting independently or while requesting assistance:
  1. What type of device are you using a) A Banner issued laptop? b) A Banner desktop computer? c) A personal computer? d) A phone or tablet?
  2. Are you located at a Banner facility? If yes, at which facility are you located?
  3. Can you check your IP address? You can google "what is my IP address" if you are unsure, Google "what is my IP address?"
  • Last Updated Mar 25, 2024
  • Views 109
  • Answered By Erin Moore

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