Access Micromedex from home
Start here:
Q1: Do you have a Banner Health email address?
Q2: Do you have a library issued OpenAthens account because you do not have a Banner Health email address?
Q3: Would like to have Micromedex on your phone?
How to proceed:
Start on the Library website:>Resources>M>Micromedex
When prompted, use your Banner Health email, password and Microsoft Authenticator app to login into the resource.
Q1-NO & Q2-YES
Start on the Library website:>Using the Library>Off-site Access>Log into OpenAthens. Choose Micromedex from the list of resources.
Q1-NO & Q2-NO
Request an OpenAthens account from the library. Start on the Library website:>Using the Library>Off-site Access>OpenAthens Quick Links
In order to get the password to access the Micromedex app on your phone you must be a validated user using either of the two methods mentioned above. The password can be found here...
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