Screen by screen instructions for using Quick Article Check (LibKey)


I wanted to let you know about a new self-service option. We call it Quick Article Lookup (LibKey). If you already have the PMID or DOI use to access to the full-text article.

1. On our home page go to, Using the Library>Quick Article Check

2. Takes you to our Banner Health LibKey landing page, which can also be accessed directly at Quick Article Lookup (LibKey)

3. Add the PMID or DOI (If you are unsure, review How to find the PMID or DOI)

4. There may be several Linking Options, all of them will take you to the article. 

5. If the article is not in the Banner Health collection, you will be given the option to "Get the article from Banner Health via Article Galaxy."

EBSCO Reprints Desk Link Resolver Screenshot

6. All the information is already there, you never have to complete another Banner Health Article Request form again. 

7. If the article is not immediately available it will be sent the listed email. The article arrives on average within 5 minutes.

Three simple steps:

1. Go to Quick Article Lookup (LibKey)

2. Add the DOI or PMID

3. Use the Linking Options to get access to the full-text article.


Hope this information is helpful.

  • Last Updated Apr 29, 2024
  • Views 60
  • Answered By Amy Nadell

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