How To Use CINAHL Ultimate


All About

From the publisher site: "CINAHL Ultimate is the new definitive resource for nursing and allied health research, providing full text for more of the most used journals in the CINAHL index than any other database. It covers more than 50 nursing specialties and includes quick lessons, evidence-based care sheets, CEU modules and research instruments." CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index of Nursing & Allied Health Literature.

Accessing this resource

  • On-site: visit the Banner Health Library Services website and select "CINAHL Ultimate" from right hand-sidebar quick links or by following this link path: "Resources">Databases>C>CINAHL Ultimate
  • Off-site:
    • With email: Start on the library website and click on anything. You will be asked to login once with your Banner Health email, password, and Microsoft Authenticator App.
    • Without email: Start at OpenAthens Portal. Login with your library issued Open Athens account and use links provided on the list of resources. Don't have an OpenAthens account? : Use this form to request an account. It may also be helpful to view this OpenAthens video for detailed information on each of the resources.
  • Mobile: If you are accessing this resource via a mobile device, we highly recommend that you start at the library website ( and click on Cinahl Ultimate. Once you do so, you will be prompted to enter your Banner Health credentials and authenticate using the Microsoft Authenticator app. 

How to search


  1. Conduct Basic Keyword Search using OR to combine like terms (add suggested terms when appropriate)
  2. Subject Headings Search - check out this helpful video tutorial to leverage Controlled Vocabulary to pull together relevant articles on a subject; use in conjunction with basic keyword searching to capture more relevant information
  3. Publications - browse or search for journals indexed within CINAHL Ultimate


Special Features

  1. CE Module - in initial search screen, scroll down and tick the "CE Module" box 
  2. Evidence-Based Care Sheets - Select feature to search for relevant care sheet or browse alphabetically or by relevance
  3. Image Search - Under the "More" heading, select "Images" to conduct an image search; filter by image type
  4. Personal Account - save searches, articles
  5. Quick Lessons - Search or browse for snapshot view of topics including facts & figures, risk factors, signs and symptoms, assessment, treatment goals, and more

For Authors

  • Cited References - under the "More" heading, select Cited References to search by author, article title, and more


Chat with library staff if you are having problems accessing this resource.

Questions to facilitate troubleshooting independently or while requesting assistance:

  1. What type of device are you using a) A Banner issued laptop? b) A Banner desktop computer? c) A personal computer? d) A phone or tablet?
  2. Are you located at a Banner facility? If yes, at which facility are you located?
  3. Can you check your IP address? You can google "what is my IP address" if you are unsure, Google "what is my IP address?"


  • Last Updated Mar 25, 2024
  • Views 379
  • Answered By Erin Moore

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