Research Workshops from the UA Librarian
Naomi B., Librarian at UArizona College of Medicine - Phoenix as prepared a series of research workshops
Link to the page: Research Workshops for COM-P Faculty, Residents, and Fellows.
UA Library Introduction Session
[19 min.] Overview of UA Health Science Library Resources including; Interlibrary loan and document delivery, primary literature databases, finding full text articles, Ebook collections, and Point of Care Tools.
ORCID and SciENcv Workshop
[30 min.] Overview of ORCID IDs and SciENcv. The session covers setting up an accounts and creating a Bio Sketch.
Searching Scopus Workshop
[30 min.] Overview of searching Scopus. Learn more at about: Topical Search, Alerts, and Analysis. (Scopus is only available with Netid)
Searching PubMed Workshop
[35 min.] Introduction to searching PubMed. How to use filters to focus search results. How Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) can help you find additional relevant information. How to use My NCBI to save searches, set up alerts and display results in your preferred format.
Publishing for Impact Workshop
[30 min.] Overview of selecting a journal and publishing. How to select a journal for publishing? What is an impact factor? Evaluating journals and Publishing contracts
Citation Management Workshop
[37 min.] Overview of Mendeley and Zotero for UA students, staff, and faculty.
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