How to Use UpToDate under the Banner Health subscription
UpToDate instructions on-site, off-site, mobile users and OpenAthens account holders.
Getting Started with UpToDate
Where are you?
- Are you on-site at a Banner Health Facility?
- Are you off-site and using a Global Protect (also called Global Connect or VPN) connection with Microsoft Authenticator?
- Are you off-site trying to use a personal device, like a home computer or mobile phone (without Global Protect)?
- Are you at an SQL Facility?
- If you answer answered YES to #1 or #2, just go directly to the UpToDate website
- If you answered YES to #3, use the UpToDate Login Page to login via OpenAthens (see image). You are presented with two options on this page, "sign-in with an OpenAthens account" or "Find your institution" (see image). If you have a Banner Health email address, use "Find your institution." If you do not have a Banner Email address use "Sign in with a [library issued] OpenAthens account."
- If you answered Yes to #4, please contact the library directly for access instructions.
If you are a UA DCC or UA faculty use Banner's UpToDate.
Instructions for creating a personal UpToDate account under the Banner Health subscription
Benefits of a Personal Account
- Get CME
- Use the UpToDate App on your personal device
Create an account while using the Banner Health institutional subscription for UpToDate. You can create an UpToDate account either on-site or off-site. If you are on-site, just go to the "Register" button on top right corner of the screen and follow the steps. If you are off-site creating a personal account for the first time, there are few more steps. The first time you login off-site you will be prompted to either set up a new UpToDate account or link to an existing personal account. After the initial connection, you will only need to log into OpenAthens/Your Institution to access your personal UpToDate account. (Instructions updated 7/14/2023)
Instruction to re-verify an affiliation with Banner Health for an additional 90 days
To continue accessing UpToDate through the Banner Health subscription, you must first re-verify your affiliation with the institution. It’s easy to re-verify your affiliation. Options:
- Login to your personal UpToDate account while using an on-site computer or via Global Protect.
- Sign into your personal UpToDate account off-site, after having signed in via an "OpenAthens account" or "Find your institution" (see image)
- Access UpToDate from your EMR access point
How to download the app onto an iPhone/iPad
Please follow the steps below to install UpToDate® Mobile for iPhone/iPad to your device: Go to the App Store on your iPhone/iPad Search for UpToDate Choose the UpToDate icon from the search results Tap on the “Get” button Tap on install Enter your Apple login if prompted and click OK.
How to download the app onto an Android device:
Please follow the steps below to install the UpToDate Mobile on Demand app on your Android device: On the phone, open the Google Play Store Tap on the search icon Type “uptodate” Tap on “UpToDate for Android” Tap on install button Tap on the Accept & Download button Once the installation is completed you can now open the UpToDate on Demand app and login with your online UpToDate username and password.
UpToDate Help and Training:
What's Included in UpToDate?
The UpToDate system is an evidence-based clinical resource. It includes a collection of medical and patient information, access to Lexi-comp drug monographs and drug-to-drug interactions, and a number of medical calculators.
- Evidence-based point of care information
- Medical calculators
- Drug Interactions: Drug-Drug, Drug-Herb, and Herb-Herb
- Lexicomp drug monographs
- Patient Education videos
- CME for reading UpToDate content (instructions for redeeming credit)
Contact customer service
Contact customer service by email at with the following subject line: Question regarding the verification process. Or, call customer service at 1-800-998-6374 or +1-781-392-2000 Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. (GMT-5) or CST.
Links & Files
- UpToDate Opens in new window
- Access UpToDate through the Banner Health institutional subscription Opens in new window
- How do I re-verify my affiliation with Banner Health for continued remote UpToDate access? (FAQ) Opens in new window
- Do you have an old UpToDate account from a previous job? (FAQ) Opens in new window
- Why can't I log into UpToDate? Opens in new window
- Finding UpToDate in Cerner (FAQ) Opens in new window
- Does OpenAthens work with UpToDate? (FAQ) Opens in new window
- How to I access UpToDate off-site or on my phone. Opens in new window
- List_of_Patient_Education_Videos_Available_in_UpToDate_-_Emmi.pdf
- UpToDate_Earning_and_redeeming_CME-CE-CPD_credit.pdf
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