What is LibKey Nomad and how do I use it?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension which quickly detects Banner subscribed and Open Access articles.


The LibKey Nomad extension has been approved by the Banner Health IT Security (also called whitelisted) and is available to activate on all Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers and Banner Health issued laptops. To use the LibKey Nomad Extension on your personal computer use the browser to search in Google Chrome chrome://extensions/ or Microsoft Edge edge://extensions/

First, Download the Extension herehttps://thirdiron.com/downloadnomad/#choose-browser

Video Tutorials

Screencast : Adding Nomad to Chrome, Edge, and Turning it off

Screencast: Adding or Checking LibKey on Edge


How do I select Banner Health as my Library?

In order to set Banner Health as your library, the LibKey extension must be turned on.

5. Click the Puzzle Piece next to the address bar to display the enabled extensions.

6. Click the 3 dots next to the LibKey Nomad extension, choose Options (7)

The next window will allow you add the Banner Health library. 


How do I "turn on" or "turn off" the LibKey extension?

Open the Google Chrome browser.

(Instructions for Edge are similar but you can view an Edge specific Screencast in the link below)

1. Click on the 3 dots icon on the right of your address bar.

2. Look for "More Tools",

3. Then "Extensions"

4. Scroll down until you see "LibKey Nomad." You may see a check box for Enable or an On/Off switch.

Literature searches will look like this when the extension is installed and turned on

Or like this


Advanced Tips

Try the Libkey URL prefix, add it to the front of a PMID or DOI

*Banner Health URL prefix https://libkey.io/libraries/1578

    Example : https://libkey.io/libraries/1578/35891533

*UA URL prefix https://libkey.io/libraries/74

     Example : https://libkey.io/libraries/74/10.3390/v14071552

  • Last Updated Dec 03, 2024
  • Views 568
  • Answered By Amy Nadell

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