How to Use Lippincott Procedures


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Provides over 1,700 evidence-based step-by-step procedures, including skills checklists and competency exams, along with demonstration videos and images to review. Procedures for Nursing, respiratory therapy, rehab services, unlicensed assistive personnel and onboarding are available. All are accessible from any computer or mobile device!

Accessing this resource

  • On-site: visit the Banner Health Library Services website and select Lippincott Procedures from right hand-sidebar quick links or by following this link path: "Resources">Databases> L> Lippincott Procedures
  • Off-site:
    • With email: Start on the library website and click on anything. You will be asked to login once with your Banner Health email, password, and Microsoft Authenticator App.
    • Without email: Start at OpenAthens Portal. Login with your library issued Open Athens account and use links provided on the list of resources. Don't have an OpenAthens account? : Use this form to request an account. It may also be helpful to view this OpenAthens video for detailed information on each of the resources.
  • MobileIf you are accessing this resource via a mobile device, we highly recommend that you start at the library website ( and click on the three lines in the upper right corner. Select Resources from the drop down menu then Databases>L> Lippincott Procedures. Once you do so, you will be prompted to enter your Banner Health credentials and authenticate using the Microsoft Authenticator app. *We recommend using the mobile website and NOT the mobile APP.

How to search

  1. Type your keywords / search query
  2. If you want to search within a single discipline, you can select it here 


Chat with library staff if you are having problems accessing this resource.

Questions to facilitate troubleshooting independently or while requesting assistance:

  1. What type of device are you using a) A Banner issued laptop? b) A Banner desktop computer? c) A personal computer? d) A phone or tablet?
  2. Are you located at a Banner facility? If yes, at which facility are you located?
  3. Can you check your IP address? You can google "what is my IP address" if you are unsure, Google "what is my IP address?"



  • Last Updated Mar 20, 2024
  • Views 54
  • Answered By Kathy Bilko

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