How to Use Board Vitals


All About

Board Vitals helps practitioners and students prepare for licensing and certification exams covering more than 70 specialty areas with board-style cases and practice questions. 

Accessing this resource

  • Registration: A personal account is required to access the question banks.  Please register while on the Banner network (not Banner guest WiFi), or use your Banner email for the account.  See detailed registration instructions.
  • URL:
  • Library links: Visit the Banner Health Library Services website and select "Board Vitals" from right-hand sidebar quick links or by following this link path: Resources>Databases>B>Board Vitals
  • Mobile: Apple and Android apps are available.
  1. Navigate to the Google Play store on Android or the Apple App Store on iOS.
  2. Search for "BoardVitals."
  3. Tap download.
  4. To access your subscription, use the same log in credentials you used to register your BoardVitals account.

How to use

"My Dashboard" is your personalized landing page to create quizzes and track your progress. 

  1. Access it by clicking on the "My Dashboard" link in the upper right corner of the homepage.
  2. Use the Question Bank drop down menu at the top of the screen to choose your specialty/exam.
  3. Start Quiz:  New Custom Quiz allows you to create a fully customized quiz.  Quick Start Quiz allows you to take a quiz with 10 questions, including all subjects, unanswered questions, in the Study Mode.
  4. CME/MOC:  This widget allows you to track your current progress of any CME credits or MOC points you are earning.  Simply click Claim CME Credidts or Claim MOC Points to claim what you have earned.  (Supplemental individual subscription required to obtain credits.)
  5. Performance:  In the Performance widget, you can track your current score percentage, as well as your Peer Rank.
  6. Quizzes/Assignments:  Any quizzes taken will appear in the quizzes widget.  You can view the final score, review the quiz, or continue an incomplete quiz.  Within the Assignments tab, you can access any assignments that may be sent to you by an instructor.
  7. Question Status:  As you begin taking quizzes, the Answered, Unanswered, and Unseen numbers will reflect your progress.
  8. My CME/CE:  This feature allows you to view a full review of your current progress of CME/CE's you are earning.  (Supplemental individual subscription required to redeem CME/CE.)

Steps for Creating a Custom Quiz

You may create custom quizzes in which you determine the subject areas to include, difficulty level, the numbers of questions, and if exams are timed.  There are also options to make notations on questions, choose items to look at again, and take exams with explanations in "study mode."

How to create a quiz (video)

  1. Log into Board Vitals Account
  2. Go to the Dashboard page
  3. Under the Start Quiz widget, select New Custom Quiz
  4. Edit Quiz features as desired:
  • Quiz Name
  • Test - Untimed or Timed (Answers and explanations available after the quiz--closed book, included in performance metrics)
  • Study Mode (Answers and explanations available during the quiz--open book, not included in performance metrics)
  • Question Status - All, Unanswered, Incorrect, Unseen, Marked
  • Keyword Search Filter - allows you to enter keywords to specifically study within Board Vitals content
  • Difficulty Level - All, Hard, Moderate, Easy
  • Select Subjects (1 or more required)
  • Number of Questions - A max of 200 per quiz, with options of 10, 25, or customized

5. Click Start Quiz

Special Features

If you are a UA faculty member and you are interested in creating a class module within Board Vitals for your students, please contact the library.

Although all the question banks are included in the library's subscription, to obtain CME or CEU credits, individual purchase is required.  Go to "My Dashboard" and click on the "My CME/CE" to see pricing and add credits.  See additional CME FAQs for more details.  For a quote on departmental CME/CE pricing, contact the library.

Board Vital's Dashboard Link on Homepage

My CME ButtonPurchase Board Vitals CME


Chat with library staff if you are having problems accessing this resource, or call us at 602-839-4353.

Did you register, but do not appear to have access to the question banks?  Check to see that you have followed the registration instructions.  For access to work properly, users must be on the Banner network when registering, or use a Banner Health or approved University of Arizona email account.

Questions to facilitate troubleshooting independently or while requesting assistance:

  1. What type of device are you using a) A Banner issued laptop? b) A Banner desktop computer? c) A personal computer? d) A phone or tablet?
  2. Are you located at a Banner facility? If yes, at which facility are you located?
  3. Can you check your IP address? You can google "what is my IP address" if you are unsure, Google "what is my IP address?"
  • Last Updated Apr 26, 2024
  • Views 713
  • Answered By Janene Wandersee

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